[LE CORBUSIER]. L'Architecture vivante. Documents sur l'activité constructive dans tous les pays publiés sous la direction de Jean Badovici. Numéros 1-17, et 20. Paris: Albert Morancé, automne 1923 - été 1928.
Lot Description
[LE CORBUSIER]. L'Architecture vivante. Documents sur l'activité constructive dans tous les pays publiés sous la direction de Jean Badovici. Numéros 1-17, et 20. Paris: Albert Morancé, automne 1923 - été 1928.
Collection de 18 fascicules in-4 (267 x 225 mm). 450 planches hors texte, chaque fascicule en compte 25. (Planches avec petit cachet de cabinet d'architecture au verso.) En feuilles, sous couvertures originales imprimées, 12 fascicules avec leur chemise respective d'origine en demi-toile (quelques usures, frottés et petits manques, le numéro 25 sans le double feuillet avec faux-titre et titre).
Tête de série de cette revue d'avant-garde architecturale très importante contenant des travaux des plus grands architectes et créateurs de l'époque. La revue cessa de paraître en 1933 avec le fascicule 42.
1923: Le Corbusier, H. Sauvage. 1924: V. Eesteren, T. van Doesburg, E. Freyssinet, Mallet-Stevens, F. Léger, E. Gray, B. Taut, F. Jourdain. 1925: Ozenfant, Le Corbusier, E. Mendelsohn, A. & G. Perret, P. Mondrian, T. van Doesburg, H. van de Velde, Rietveld. 1926: Les constructivistes russes (Tatlin, Rodchenko etc.), A. Loos, école d'Amsterdam, Le Corbusier, A. & G. Perret, Mallet-Stevens, E. Gray, W. Gropius, Guinsbourg. 1927: Le Corbusier, Elie Faure, K. Malevitch, Mallet-Stevens, B. Taut, F. Léger, W. Gropius, le pavillon de l'Esprit Nouveau, le palais des Nations-Unies à Genève. 1928: Le Corbusier, S. Giedion, les maisons de Weissenhof (Stuttgart). (11)
Post-Lot Text
18 first fascicles of this very famous avantgarde review. Works by Le Corbusier, Mallet-Stevens, Gropius,van de Velde, etc.
L'architecture vivante en Allemagne Troisième Série.

Paris: Editions Albert Morancé, 1931. Quarto sized portfolio. First edition, 34 pages + 50 black ans white plates. With two articles by Jean Badovici, and 50 photographic plates illustrating interior and exterior works by mainly Bauhaus architects, including Walter Gropius, Marcel Breuer, Mies Van der Rohe, Lilly Reich and others. Cloth spine of portfolio is heavily worn, and sports a library number, interior of portfolio cover bears library stamp of architectural firm of Ketchum, Cina and Sharp. Some wear to edges of decorated boards, but handsome design still attractive. Interior very good. Scarce.
L'architecture vivante en Allemagne Troisième Série.
L'architecture vivante en Allemagne Troisième Série.
Badovici, Jean
Paris Editions Albert Morance 1926
Mappe 29x23 Die Mappe ist stark nachgedunkelt und hat einige Läsuren, Namenseintrag mit Kohlestift gleich vorne auf dem Titel. Mit Katalog und Werbebeilage. Mit den 25 Bildtafel (komplett).
[Schlagwörter: Architektur]
Artikel-Nr.: 003353

L'Architecture vivante. Deuxième série.
Paris, Édition Albert Morancé, 1929. Orig portfolio with ties, 48pp, incl plans (1 in colour between text), elevations, plus 50 single-sided plates of wich 2 in colour, one being double page. All loose as issued in a paper covered board portfolio with cloth spine 28x24 cms. Complete, no stamps. (see Le Corbusier et le livre pag. 109
Maison en bord de mer E 1027 ; l'architecture vivante
Maison en bord de mer
Avis des internautes (0) 

L'architecture Vivante
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
L'Architecture Vivante was a French magazine for avantgarde architecture published from 1923 - 1932.
L’Architecture Vivante
Jean Badovici edited this magazine for avantgarde architecture between 1923 and 1932. He was an influential critic and mentor of international modern architecture in France and he convinced the publisher Albert Morancé of the importance for such an avantgarde magazine. L’Architecture Vivante became immediately an influential mouthpiece of the International style (Bauhaus, Constructivism, De Stijl). Le Corbusier - a friend of Badovici - for instance became one of the architects whose ideals were frequently discussed in this magazine. Badovici cultivated relations to European avantgarde magazines like Wendingen (Netherlands) and Cahiers d'Art (France, founded in 1926) by his friend Christian Zervos.
Regualary each issue of L’Architecture Vivante presented a number of architects and their works but there were also some very few dealing with just one artist (Le Corbusier, Pierre Jeanneret and in 1929 Eileen Gray and her home E-1027).[1][2]
Reeditions L’Architecture Vivante
The issue concerning Eileen Gray / E.1027:
Eileen Gray, Jean Badovici: E. 1027: Maison en bord de mer. In L’Architecture Vivante. Reedition Éd. Imbernon, Marseille 2006, ISBN 2-9516396-5-1.
The complete edition:
L’Architecture Vivante in libraries
In the United States (excerpts):
In Europe (excerpts):
^ Ireland.Archiseek.com: Architects of Ireland – Eileen Gray (1879–1976)
^ Eileen-Gray.de: E-1027
{{Orphan|date=February 2009}}
'''L'Architecture Vivante''' was a French magazine for avantgarde architecture published from 1923 - 1932.
== ''L’Architecture Vivante'' ==
[[Jean Badovici]] edited this magazine for avantgarde architecture between 1923 and 1932. He was an influential critic and mentor of international modern architecture in France and he convinced the publisher Albert Morancé of the importance for such an avantgarde magazine. ''L’Architecture Vivante'' became immediately an influential mouthpiece of the International style ([[Bauhaus]], [[Constructivist architecture|Constructivism]], [[De Stijl]]). [[Le Corbusier]] - a friend of Badovici - for instance became one of the architects whose ideals were frequently discussed in this magazine. Badovici cultivated relations to European avantgarde magazines like ''[[Wendingen]]'' ([[Netherlands]]) and ''[[Cahiers d'Art]]'' (France, founded in 1926) by his friend [[Christian Zervos]].
Regualary each issue of ''L’Architecture Vivante'' presented a number of architects and their works but there were also some very few dealing with just one artist (Le Corbusier, [[Pierre Jeanneret]] and in 1929 [[Eileen Gray]] and her home E-1027).<ref name="ireland.archiseek.com">[http://ireland.archiseek.com/architects_ireland/eileen_gray/published.html Ireland.Archiseek.com: Architects of Ireland – Eileen Gray (1879–1976)]</ref><ref>[http://www.eileen-gray.de/leben/e1027.html Eileen-Gray.de: E-1027]</ref>
== Reeditions ''L’Architecture Vivante'' ==
The issue concerning Eileen Gray / E.1027:
* Eileen Gray, Jean Badovici: ''E. 1027: Maison en bord de mer.'' In ''L’Architecture Vivante''. Reedition Éd. Imbernon, Marseille 2006, ISBN 2-9516396-5-1.
The complete edition:
* L'Architecture vivante, Da Capo Press, New York, c 1975
== ''L’Architecture Vivante'' in libraries ==
In the United States (excerpts):
* [http://www.nypl.org/ New York Public Library (each of the issues from 1923 - 1933 seems to be available)]
* [http://www.lib.washington.edu/ Library of Congress (some issues available and complete reprint edition (New York, 1975) available)]
* [http://www.chipublib.org/ Chicago Public Library (complete reprint edition (New York, 1975) available)]
* [http://sflib1.sfpl.org/ San Francisco Public Library (complete reprint edition (New York, 1975) available)]
In Europe (excerpts):
* [http://www.architecture.com/ British Architectural Library, London (complete original and facsimile reprint editions available)]
* [http://www.courtauld.ac.uk/ Courtauld Institute, London (complete reprint edition (New York, 1975) available)]
* [http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/ Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München (roundabout 9 issues)]
* [http://www.bnf.fr/ Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris (some issues)]
* [http://www.zikg.lrz-muenchen.de/ Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, München (complete edition available)]
== References ==
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[[Category:French magazines]]
[[Category:Publications established in 1923]]
[[Category:Publications disestablished in 1932]]
[[Category:Architecture magazines]]
[[nl:Architecture Vivante]]
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